Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia - Current Conditions
Observations by an Ecowitt GW2000 Personal Weather Station
27.7 °C
Feels like: 28.8 °C
High | Low |
28.5 °C | 20.5 °C |
Speed | Gust | |
16 | 30 | |
km/h |
Barometer | 1008.8 hPa |
Dew Point | 21.0 °C |
Humidity | 67% |
Rain | 0.0 mm 0.0 mm/hr |
ET | 0.0 mm |
Radiation | 1074 W/m² |
Cloud Base | 852 metres |
The current Comfort Level, is muggy and uncomfortable |
The current UV index 9.0, is Very High |
The real time AQI of, 1.0 is Very Good |
Weather Record Snapshots. View all weather records here.
High: | 28.5 °C | Low: | 20.5 °C |
Average Wind: | 6 km/h | Highest Wind: | 31 km/h |
Today's Rain: | 0.0 mm | Highest Rate: | 0.0 mm/hr |
High: | 29.1 °C | Low: | 17.5 °C |
Average Wind: | 6 km/h | Highest Wind: | 40 km/h |
Total Rain: | 4.9 mm | Highest Rate: | 7.8 mm/hr |
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